(samples for viewing in preparation, please return shortly!)

DESCRIPTION: The dataset is delivered on CD and is available in MapInfo, ArcView, ArcExport and Adobe pdf formats. The dataset is built upon the 1:250000 scale geology, with coherent, usable attributes for 25 different quadrangles. Purchase options include the entire set, selected subsets, or on a quad-by-quad basis. The compilers have over 15 years of field and regional interpretation experience in Alaska and used similar data to target the Pogo deposit prior to its discovery. Other data includes:

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AVAILABLE: Age dates, pluton geochemistry (alkalinity and oxidation state); interpretations of the dataset or region.

RESTRICTIONS: The dataset is for use as a single copy and may not be distributed to others. Those wishing to do so need to make prior arrangements with GeoMax.


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